Polythene Lined Cellars

We are now stripping out Edinburgh Newtown Cellars at the rate of 6 per month most of  these cellars appear to have been done around 10 years ago however some were done as recently as 2 years ago  we understand the company who was doing the cellars in polythene is no longer trading, as they were lined in poor quality polyethene with no insulation we find that most customers opt for the cellars to be completely ripped out and start again using the proper Delta Membranes.

It is also important to insulate the cellars this prevents cold spots which can cause condensation, we have found that these cellars lined with cheap polyethylene sometimes still keep water out however they get covered in mould due to a high relative humidity in the cellar and things that are placed in the cellars get mouldy and damp.

As Kingston Preservation is a Delta approved contractor and a full member of SBG Guarantees you can be assured that we use only the highest quality membranes and Kingspan Insulation the door areas are sealed with expansion foam to create a full watertight seal around the doors.

We now can get electric supply into your cellars even if you stay on a top floor flat or a 1st or 2nd floor due to our tie up with an electrical company who have contacts with Scottish power it means getting a meter installed which is a nominal costing.

We can also get a temporary supply whilst we are working on your cellar which avoids getting a generator or leads out windows etc.

We are now doing over 100 cellars a year and have 3 dedicated teams of fitters working exclusively on cellar projects, we also have our Architect who can supply drawings and obtain building warrants if the cellar is to be living space.

Contact us 7 days a week on our Edinburgh number 0131 240 5430 or contact us on our 7 day 24 hour book a survey form here.

December 15th 2016 Delta Training Course in London our Team flew from Edinburgh Airport to Stanstead to attend the course.

Picture taken 4th September 2016 of lined out cellar in Eglington Crescent Edinburgh.

Newtown Cellars being stripped out at Heriot Row November 2016.